The Gospel

The Gospel is simply the message of the good news of salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. It's the word of truth offered to mankind by grace through faith

We were made to glorify God. God designed us for him. Sadly, we all fall short of His glory every single day because sin separates us from Him. The wages of sin is death, yet God in His great love and mercy, sent his only Son, Jesus Christ to redeem us. Although Jesus lived a perfect life, He took the punishment we deserve by dying on a cross. Just before giving up his spirit he said 'It Is Finished' meaning he had paid our debt in full. Three days later He resurrected from the dead and those who repent & believe in him have the free gift of salvation that cannot be earned. 

How do we share the Gospel?

Enough of the modern day Gospel is centered on us instead of God. Salvation is not simply "pray this prayer" and you're good. So here are four steps that will help you in sharing the true Gospel!

Step 1: Start with God

Start the conversation about who God is. We may start with His holiness, justice, righteousness, and glory. Clarify God's character first.

Step 2: Explain Sin

All of us have failed to live for the glory of God. All of us have chosen sin over God numerous times in our lives. But sin is not just the things we do; it's the way we are. So we are all deserving of God's holy wrath.

Step 3: Proclaim Christ​

God sent Jesus to bear the punishment that we so rightfully deserve. And because of this, there is no more condemnation, but eternal life with God forever! When we choose Christ, we are no longer a slave to sin. We now follow Jesus and His calling to holiness! (Read Romans 8)

Step 4: Finish with Faith

Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so no one may boast."

We can't earn salvation. It is a free gift. We don't deserve it; it comes from God's grace, love and mercy. Jesus will be the one to finish the faith He has started in us until He comes back again!